BCH Law Partner Presenting on Non-Traditional Jurisdictions and Exposures at Perrin Conference
Attorney Aaron Heckaman, a partner with Bailey Cowan Heckaman, will be presenting at the National Asbestos Litigation Conference in September. Heckaman has been enlisted to speak on non-traditional jurisdictions and exposures with a group of esteemed panelists. The conference is set to take place live at The Charleston Place Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina, this fall.
At Bailey Cowan Heckaman, we are proud to announce the involvement of attorney Heckaman in the renowned conference. Mr. Heckaman is a highly sought-after speaker on asbestos litigation and is considered a leader in the field. He, along with the entire legal team at BCH Law, has worked tirelessly to help individuals who were exposed to asbestos.
If you were diagnosed with mesothelioma or another illness after asbestos exposure, contact our office at (888) 367-7160 for a free evaluation.
National Asbestos Litigation Conference
Perrin Conferences is holding its annual asbestos litigation meeting on September 14-15 in Charleston, South Carolina. This highly-anticipated event features asbestos litigation pioneers from across the country. Attendees will have numerous chances to obtain coveted CLE/CE credits, hear the latest trends driving litigation, and get insider tips on how to handle cases with non-traditional exposures.
​​This event will also include many opportunities for networking and will feature prominent plaintiff and defense attorneys, in-house counsel, and insurance professionals. To view the agenda and register, click here.
Representing Asbestos Victims Nationwide
Attorney Heckaman and the experienced asbestos exposure attorneys at BCH Law represent clients throughout the country who have sustained harm as a result of direct or take-home exposure to the deadly toxin. Since its inception, the attorneys at BCH have helped thousands of people exposed to asbestos obtain compensation for their losses.
Asbestos exposure has been linked to dangerous health conditions, including mesothelioma and lung cancer. The carcinogen is believed to have caused millions of deaths, sickening countless more. For decades it was present in common household and commercial products, including caulking compounds, paint products, asphalt products, drywall, ceiling tiles, and airplane parts. Â
Contacting an Asbestos Exposure Attorney
Individuals who have been exposed to asbestos or who have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness are encouraged to contact our law firm for a free case evaluation. All consultations are provided at no cost and without obligation to retain our services.
If you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos, contact our office at (888) 367-7160 to discuss your legal options with a knowledgeable attorney. Cases are accepted on a contingency fee basis, meaning there are no fees unless we win.
Do not wait; contact BCH Law today. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve. Our firm is nationally recognized for our work in asbestos litigation. We take on complex cases, including those where point-of-exposure is unknown or secondary exposure claims. Our attorneys will not rest until justice is served. Call now to learn more about your rights and your options for recovery.