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Demolition of Anaconda Wire Building Resulted In Numerous Asbestos-Related Violations

According to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Press's LLC failed to properly contain the old Anaconda Wire building during demolition, resulting in numerous asbestos-related violations.

"The subject property had been partially demolished without a scheduled demolition notification submitted, an asbestos survey was not conducted, and there was no abatement of regulated asbestos-containing material (RACM) that was found in the facility," the violation notices state. "The demolition contractor removed pipes that had asbestos on them, and was not qualified to do so."

The demolition company has agreed to pay $10,000 in order to settle the air quality violations, and the owner of the property, Kirksey Investment Corp., has agreed to pay an additional $3,000. The violations were sent out to the two companies on November 9, 2016 following an inspection of the property. The violations included failure to:

  • Deposit the asbestos material as soon as practical.
  • Have a contractor supervisor on site.
  • Contain the asbestos in a leak-tight container.
  • Wet the asbestos material during and after demolition.
  • Notify proper authorities of the presence of asbestos.
  • Thoroughly inspect the project for asbestos-containing materials.
  • Remove asbestos materials prior to demolition.

At Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC, our mesothelioma attorneys have dedicated their careers to providing injured victims with the knowledgeable and passionate legal representation they need to secure the beneficial legal outcome they deserve. If you are suffering from mesothelioma, contact us today by calling us to tell us all about your situation or fill out our online form to schedule a free case consultation with a member of our firm.

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