The Stage of Mesothelioma Determines Likelihood of a Cure
According to the Mayo Clinic, a cure for mesothelioma is not likely because it is usually diagnosed in the later stages. However, when caught early, there are some treatment options that can eliminate or slow the progression of the cancer.
Bailey Cowan and Heckaman have gained millions in compensation for our mesothelioma clients. We represent clients in every stage of mesothelioma, whether or not a cure might be possible. Contact us today for more information, or keep reading to learn more about the possible cures and treatments for mesothelioma.
Treatment Options for Early Stages of Mesothelioma
The guide for mesothelioma from the Mayo Clinic offers many treatment options to reduce the signs and symptoms of mesothelioma. In the early stages of mesothelioma, surgery may be used to remove the cancer. However, in most cases, not all of the cancer can be removed.
If not all of the cancer is removed, you will experience a reduction in signs and symptoms but the cancer will still be present. Surgery is usually accompanied by chemotherapy, radiation, and other treatments. A cure is possible in these early stages, but not likely.
Other Treatment Options for Mesothelioma
In most cases, a cure for mesothelioma is not possible. Instead, you have the option of treatments designed to increase your life expectancy or treatments designed to increase your comfort for the time you have left.
If you choose to fight the cancer, treatments for mesothelioma include:
- Surgery and shots to decrease fluid buildup
- Removal of the tissue around the lungs in surgery
- Surgery to remove the lung and surrounding tissue, followed by higher doses of chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy or radiation as stand-alone treatments
Even in later stages of mesothelioma, surgeons may be able to reduce the signs and symptoms of the cancer and lengthen your life by removing as much of the cancer as possible in an invasive surgery.
Clinical Trials for Mesothelioma
There are many clinical trials for mesothelioma treatments that are designed to eliminate or reduce the effects of the cancer. Participating in clinical trials may require traveling to another state for treatment, which can become costly. These expenses can be recovered through a mesothelioma lawsuit.
One such treatment currently in clinical trials is the Ultimovacs UV1 vaccine, which creates an immune response to the cancer cells in people with pleural mesothelioma. This treatment is showing promise, but it is not yet an established cure for mesothelioma.
Have You Been Affected by Mesothelioma?
If you or a loved one contracted mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos, you may be entitled to compensation for your expenses, pain, and suffering. It is important to talk to an attorney as quickly as possible after your diagnosis.
At Bailey Cowan and Heckaman, we fight for our clients with a completely transparent fee structure, and you don’t pay until we win. Contact us today at (888) 367-7160 to schedule a free consultation.