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Matagrano Inc. Agrees to $1.35 Million Settlement Over Wage Dispute

A judge in San Francisco granted final approval to a $1.35 million settlement between Matagrano Inc. and a class of hourly employees who claimed that they weren’t given paid overtime or state-mandated breaks on Tuesday, August 8.

The employees, a group of warehouse workers, ballpark vendors and delivery drivers who worked for the Bay Area beer distributor first filed their lawsuit in February of 2016. They alleged that the company violated California laws that govern unfair competition, record keeping, timely wage payments, overtime and meal and rest breaks. While some concerns were raised about how the settlement would be split, California Superior Court Judge Curtis Karnow approved the settlement during the hearing.

“It’s a strong settlement, and a good deal for the class,” Judge Karnow said.

The employees claimed that off-site workers were on call at all times and not allowed to take breaks, yet still saw 30 minutes’ worth of pay taken out for meals. They also claimed that workers weren’t paid for work done off the clock, like when drivers traveled from home in company vehicles yet did not receive compensation for the time spent commuting.

Our Houston overtime lawyers at Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC have dedicated their careers to fighting for the rights of those in need, and remain committed to securing the legal outcome that will put our clients in the best position possible moving forwards. If you have a wage dispute with your employer, contact our firm today to discuss your legal options by giving us a call or by filling out our online form to start out with a free evaluation.

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