Last week, Sumner County Executive Anthony Holt made a statement regarding the presence of asbestos at the Sumner County courthouse. The asbestos was discovered during the mold remediation of the building. The experts working on the mold remediation determined that asbestos was in the piping insulation and is isolated to the ceiling.
Holt said that the asbestos has not been disturbed, thus does not pose a danger. When the asbestos is disturbed, it can release fibers that, when inhaled, can result in lung cancer such as mesothelioma.
When the Sumner County Commission initially approved the $350,000 mold remediation and HVAC rehabilitation in October of last year, the presence of asbestos was not known. Now, County Grant Administrator Kim Ark requested a new estimate to determine the amount necessary to clean up the asbestos.
Asbestos was banned by the EPA between 1973 and 1989; the courthouse was built in 1939, making it no surprise asbestos was found in the building.
If someone is exposed to asbestos, there is a risk of potentially developing mesothelioma. This is a very serious condition that can change people’s lives completely. At Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC, our mesothelioma attorneys are dedicated to helping patients who have developed mesothelioma as a result asbestos exposure.
We are truly committed to making sure affected individuals understand their rights, especially if they worked or lived in a building made with products containing asbestos. They should have either been warned of the dangers or provided proper safety equipment to make sure they were not exposed. If an individual works in a building containing asbestos, they should take the necessary measures to make sure they are safe.
If you believe you have a claim to seek compensation after developing mesothelioma, our team wants to speak with you and discuss your possible options. Call our firm today to speak with a mesothelioma lawyer today.