No Fee Unless We Win:

Category: Asbestos

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

According to a recent study, Charleston County has a higher rate of asbestos-related deaths than the rest of South Carolina. The number in Charleston County is double the amount of any other county. Many of the doctors and researchers believe that th ...

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

A Yellowstone National Park maintenance worker made a report claiming that he and five other employers were unknowingly exposed to asbestos at an archaic lodge. Now, he claims that a park concession company has taken action to retaliate against him v ...

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

Last week, Sumner County Executive Anthony Holt made a statement regarding the presence of asbestos at the Sumner County courthouse. The asbestos was discovered during the mold remediation of the building. The experts working on the mold remediation ...

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

Could it be that some scientists who are financially affiliated to interests in asbestos are publishing information denying the possibility of harm associated with chrysotile asbestos and Bolivian crocidolite asbestos? Edward Ilgren and John Hoskins ...

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

The Indiana Supreme Court ruled on March 2nd that Indiana’s 10-year statute of repose for product liability actions regarding asbestos-related disease is unconstitutional. The ruling stated that the provision treats similar plaintiffs differently. ...

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

A recent study conducted by EWG Action Fund has discovered that eight counties in East Texas show asbestos-related death rates are annually two to five times higher than the averages for the state and nation. The data from the study shows that the ei ...

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

In a recent investigation, inspectors found that the Lakeside Village Apartments had asbestos in the floor tiles, ceilings, and duct work. This building had been used by the Orlando firefighters for training exercises. Now that asbestos has been disc ...

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

A dilapidated home in Newstead was scheduled to be demolished, but the construction was delayed after an inspector discovered the presence of asbestos. The home has become a dangerous over the last eight years and the idea was to demolish it. Now, wi ...

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

Some anti-asbestos advocates claim that two prominent scientific journals with close industry connections are promulgating misleading information about known toxic substances. Anti-asbestos advocates are taking issue with the Critical Reviews in ...

by Bailey Cowan Heckaman

The city council of Cape Girardeau in Missouri recently voted to have a contractor remove asbestos from a former naval center to make way for a new police station and courthouse. Cape Girardeau, Missouri will be getting a new police station and munic ...

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