If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma after working in a factory setting where asbestos was used, you should not hesitate to speak with an experienced mesothelioma attorney. Our team at Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC can help you understand your options and your legal rights. We are passionate about what we do, and we’re here to serve you.
Many individuals who worked in manufacturing settings have been exposed to asbestos. Factories are enclosed settings, which means that exposure can be truly devastating. In the early to mid-1900s, many products were developed and manufactured with asbestos.
One study showed different individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma and how they were exposed to asbestos in a factory setting:
- A foreman who managed repairs and maintenance at a plant for 40 years
- Two clerical workers diagnosed due to asbestos concentrated in offices even though they did not handle products containing asbestos
- An office worker who walked through manufacturing zones to examine operations, but did not have direct contact with asbestos
- A machinist who only worked at a plant managing production equipment for one year
- A leader in a hot press department who had oversight over a team of factory workers
In 1979, the deadly substance was finally banned nationwide, as the link between exposure to asbestos and contraction of dangerous illnesses such as mesothelioma and asbestosis had been confirmed by numerous documented studies. Despite the ban, many factory workers are only now being diagnosed with mesothelioma. This is because the disease can take years or even decades to develop.
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Early symptoms of mesothelioma can look like the following:
- Weakness in the muscles
- Anemia
- Dry coughing
- Wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Abdominal pain or chest pain
- Difficulty breathing
- Respiratory problems
- Fever
When it has become advanced, mesothelioma may be evidenced in later stages by the following symptoms and signs:
- Serious chest pain
- Sudden, unexplained weight loss
- Severe respiratory complications
Get Medical Help. Then Call Our National Mesothelioma Lawyers.
It’s not just medical help that you need. BCH can help you protect your legal rights. As a worker exposed to dangerous conditions in the workplace, you can and should take action. Our mesothelioma attorneys can come to your home, sit down with you, and discuss your case.
Call BCH at (713) 909-7910for your free case review to begin.