Rectal and Large Intestinal Atresia, also known as Rectal and Large Intestinal Stenosis, is a birth defect that affects the development of the intestines. The defect causes a section of the intestines to form incompletely, creating a blocked passageway. This can affect any area of the small or large intestines and depending on where the blockage occurs, the condition can be referred to by a different name. Rectal and large intestinal atresia cause severe discomfort because the obstruction makes it very difficult to allow food and stool to pass through the body. This blockage commonly results in chronic vomiting and swelling.
Roughly three out of every 10,000 babies born in the United States each year have rectal and large intestinal atresia. The condition can be fixed through surgery where the malformed section of the intestine will be removed. No matter what kind of procedure is performed, the child must be stabilized in order for the doctor to remove excess gas and contents so the chronic swelling can be reduced. The doctor will also remove air and fluid to prevent vomiting. After this, surgery is performed to open back up the intestines and allow passage through the body.
Request a free case evaluation by calling (713) 909-7910 today.
Links to Medication During Pregnancy
When it comes to determining the exact cause of Rectal and Large Intestinal Atresia, there are still a number of factors that are unknown. However, there have been studies that show that the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be linked to the development of serious birth defects such as Rectal and Large Intestinal Atresia.
These SSRIs can include:
- Topamax
- Zoloft
- Symbyax
- Zofran
- Prozac
Call Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC to Learn More
Our attorneys at Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC are here to help you determine the cause of your baby’s birth defect. If your family has been affected because your baby developed rectal and large intestinal atresia, potentially in connection with SSRI or other medication use during pregnancy, speak with our firm to learn your legal rights and options.