While statistics are constantly changing, Louisiana generally ranks about 20th in terms of malignant mesothelioma deaths caused by exposure to asbestos. Louisiana is home to many refineries and shipyards, industries that were known for asbestos use. New Orleans, Louisiana was also home to W.R. Grace, an exfoliation facility that released excessive amounts of asbestos. The county where that plant used to operate is ranked in the top 20 counties for most mesothelioma deaths in the United States. Hurricane Katrina also resulted in asbestos exposure.
If you or someone you know was exposed to asbestos and developed mesothelioma in Louisiana, we invite you to contact our mesothelioma lawyers today for a free evaluation of your legal rights and options. You may be entitled to financial recovery.
Statute of Limitations
In Louisiana, the statute of limitations in mesothelioma cases is one year from diagnosis, and in cases where the victim has passed away, it is one year from the date of death. This means that you have less time to file a claim in Louisiana than you do in many other U.S. states.
Asbestos Abatement in Louisiana
In compliance with regional and federal enforcement efforts to clean up and dispose of asbestos waste, Louisiana has a number of asbestos contractors and supervisors whose job it is to remove the cancer-causing material. These companies, such as Terracon Consultants and Eagle Insulations, remove asbestos and transport it to designated asbestos landfills. In order to qualify for asbestos abatement, individuals must be accredited and trained to ensure safe and complete removal.
How Common is mesothelioma in Louisiana?
A study published in the Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society back in 2012 presented data that in the ten-year span from 1999-2009, approximately 295 people were hospitalized annually for asbestos-related conditions. In the 20-year span between 1979 and 1999, nearly 700 Louisiana residents died from malignant mesothelioma.
Notable Louisiana Mesothelioma Cases
In July 2014, a New Orleans man filed suit against a number of corporations after he was diagnosed with mesothelioma, including CBS Corporation, Foster Wheeler Energy, and General Electric. The plaintiff claimed that these companies knew and concealed the health hazards of asbestos-containing products.
In December 2014, a husband and wife from Washington Parish filed a lawsuit against some insulation companies after the husband was diagnosed with mesothelioma. The husband claimed that he had been exposed to asbestos while working for Shell Oil’s location in Norco, Louisiana. He was a pipe fitter and frequently tore out insulation, a product that was often made with asbestos fibers.
In August 2014, a woman from West Bank claimed she developed mesothelioma through secondary exposure because her father tracked it into their home. The plaintiff’s father worked at the Johns-Manville facility, which contained asbestos.
Calling a Mesothelioma Lawyer After a Diagnosis
Because of the strict statute of limitations in Louisiana, we encourage you to get in touch with one of our mesothelioma attorneys soon after a diagnosis. The attorneys at Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC are here to help you get justice after a tragic diagnosis, so get in touch with us today for a free review of your case.